March MADNESS!!!
You can’t front. There’s a sound that the rim makes when a three goes in.
And to look at it....sweet, like Eva Longoria...t’ot g’amn!!!
So we freak the NCAA’s at the crib by swillin’ a few, playing a few cuts during time outs and argue about the best play of each game (at least the ones we get to see via CBS) But now, b.phlecksi’s going in blind with Louisville, as he’s banking that experience will play out in the clutch. (we're in a recession, my friend!) Frank is picking Oklahoma. Our production crew: the institution, is overwhelmingly in favor of THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA!!! (haters.) But its’ all good like ‘pud. Buh’twait, you might be thinking, “Hey, ain’t y’all outta Berkeley an’ some -isht, an’ aint they in the big dance?! Yes, this is true, but we’ve also seen them play up close, and to tell the truth, we just don’t think they are consistent enough to match up against any the powerhouse institutions and it’s really all about Mike Montgomery that they’re getting a nod at all...(Might we regret we ever said that? we HOPE SO! GO BEARS!!)
So come and get some one and all as we freak the next podcast for April starting off on the fool’s tip, but getting very serious as we dedicate the compilation to the ‘screen’ formation. It’s all underground next time, featuring all new artists and a few classic emcees who simply do not get their due.
Stay tuned yes, yes, ‘herrrrrrrr.
Losers scrape together to buy’da’bah’ and our set will be killer, most anticipated,
like the Next Trick I.Q. ep (the ‘i’ is for ill, the ‘q’ for quatrains.) Not the norm. But like we used to say in the ‘Rich...
“What is it, though?!”
Stay tuned.
-b.p. d’oiseaux.
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