today...on my birthday i wrote a new song, programmed the beats..have yet to solidify the acoustic guitar bits..so before i record the track
i thought i'd come real true like and hit the public with the verses:
have a good day to one and all!
-b.phlecksi parmella
i give you...
arose far from final
draft thank luck
plantation bankrupt
cleared last week neared
guest speaker elevator
up, eulogy, smeared
pastique, neon tricky
colored foe feared fir
regiment athlete mean
time sheared sir
west rockies walkie talkie
full blast gear heard
lambswood compart
mentalized sound wipe
reincarnated late whipped
dance floor snipe
minority paraded
sorority sound sets
dollar bills dropped down
all fours fiendish
non complacent tip toe
in limelight inked
old english spells discipline
piggy banks tinks
if you can dig it
if you can’t exclude
fork multiplied road ends
many pursued
stand contemplate reppin'
head tilt truth eenie meenie
miny moe finger points
steppin' nebulae
i’m an emcee, most don’t
know way back room
contempt, fame familiarity
glitter gold expect
universe else sun
moon stars nebulae
taps braced straps top
ward protrude slaps
mouths mad murderous
deeds done hubcaps
protect wheel bolts
look good simultaneous
crews lose weight sac-
rificial escaped sharp
lord willing help 7
angels wear out harps
diffuse lame brained
get rich quicks f’shit starts
breakfasts besided courts
chump change jane does
half pays child support
yelled as plane departs
caretakers know coroners
cash catch snatched
physchosis, bribery
surfaces unattached
neurosis -ociety psoria-
sis announced toil
change blood drips stained
remoistens soil
...you can dig it
if you want exclude
fork multiplied road ends
many pursued
stand contemplate reppin'
head tilt truth eenie meenie
miny moe finger points
steppin' nebulae
i’m an emcee, most don’t
know, way back room
contempt, fame familiarity
glitter gold expect
universe, else sun
moon stars nebulae
problem is finger
free form guitar elec
tronica poetry
life’s hard enough trying
truein’ down ya spoke
building burning nonbeliever
tennants ain’t smelled smoke
bellowin’ predicted nomadic
akin to bedouins
metalworkers making storage
containers as urn bins
stand for nothing fall for every thing
harmony old folk
brand new salve curin’
ubiquitous okie doke
you can dig it
if you want exclude
fork multiplied road ends
many pursued
stand contemplate reppin
head tilt truth eenie meenie
miny moe finger points
steppin nebulae
i’m an emcee, most don’t
know way back room
contempt, fame familiarity
glitter gold expect
universe else sun
moon stars nebulae
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