...news from the Marbled Godwit.
we have to admit we've been captivated at Chrissy Fields watching these stately creatures wade ankle to belly high poking for snacks....
we have to admit it was one of our son's birthday over the weekend.
we have to admit work on many report cards for children are still in process.
we have to admit this weekend saw the kind of climate that allowed children to fake-ice skate on plastic-puzzle floored rinks under afternoon sun...be able to see the moon, Mount Diablo, Alcatraz, the Farallon Islands, Napa, and San Jose, all in one 360 degree spin on the Bay Bridge.
...and it's December 5th, 2011, northern Califas.
call it a beautiful life moment in time.
a snapshot of lots going on and appreciation in full effect.
it's monday. game on.
so until the podcast is up, read-up our latest cold-crush:
Sara Varon's, Bake Sale.
T h i s B o o k I s
L o v e l y .
here's something nice about Sara here.
and can you believe she's also a recreational boxer?!
(...if her jabs are on point as her humorous nuance- she a BEAST in the ring, yo..)
-we've been down since Chicken and Cat. (hill- ar ee usss!!!)
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